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Time to change your winter tires

Posted: Wednesday, March 28th 2012

Change winter tiresIf you still have your winter tires on, now is a good time to come in and switch to your all-season or summer tires.  We are not predicting there will be no more snow, but the chances of severe winter weather are dropping each day.  The general guideline is to change back to your regular tires when there is little chance of snow accumulation.  That can be a challenge within itself in Western and Central New York.

It’s best to wait until temperatures are consistently above 45°F before trading winter tires for all-seasons, which don’t provide as much control in winter weather.  Although we had a spectacular week of weather recently, our “normal” temperatures for this time of year are upper 40s.

It’s important not to wait too long to remove winter tires.  Winter tires are made of softer rubber that does not hold up well on hot pavement.  On very warm spring days, the rubber will really become soft and your winter tires will wear out much faster.  Softer tires also create more drag and friction, requiring more power to move the vehicle, therefore decreasing gas mileage.

Generally in the northeast, early April is a good time to take the winter tires off and get the all-seasons back on.

Remember to be mindful of the other issues that can crop up at this time of year.  Potholes continue to be a problem and hitting them can cause significant damage to various parts of your car, including your tires, alignment, and suspension.  When the snow melts, you can see – and avoid – them better, but a spring snowfall can obscure them and make it much harder for you to steer clear of these hazards.  In addition, daily temperature changes can make the roads a little more unpredictable and drivers need to maintain constant vigilance to avoid problems.  The roads may be a little icy for the morning commute, wet with the warmer afternoon temperatures, and very icy as the temperature drops again at night.  Stay informed!

We know your time is valuable. If Dunn Tire is storing your tires, we recommend you call ahead so the store can ensure your tires are out of storage and at the store waiting for you.