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The value of nitrogen inflation

Posted: Monday, January 24th 2011

Nitrogen tire inflationIn previous generations, drivers with low tire pressure stopped in at their local filling stations to fill their tires with air.  For many of today’s drivers, low tire pressure means a fill up with nitrogen instead.

Dunn Tire has been a pioneer in the use of nitrogen inflation.  This was documented in a 2004 Modern Tire Dealer article, titled Nitrogen: no, niche or now?: Some big names seem to be backing the latest in tire fill. The article begins with “Some pretty heavy hitters in the retail tire industry are considering filling tires with nitrogen instead of compressed air. Both the Zurcher Group and Dunn Tire LLC have purchased machinery and are testing the waters.”

The article later outlines the distinct advantages of using nitrogen instead of compressed air.  These immediate benefits include:

  1. “Nitrogen molecules are larger than oxygen molecules, so they migrate through the tire three to four times slower. The result: Tires hold their psi longer.
  2. It runs about 20% cooler. Less heat results in less tire degradation.
  3. It drastically reduces oxidation on the rim and inner-liner (nitrogen systems almost totally eliminate oxygen — the cause of oxidation — from the mix).
  4. It is environmentally safe.

It’s also important to note that nitrogen inflated tires are not as susceptible to temperature variations. For every 10 degrees the temperature drops, a tire inflated with air will lose one pound of tire pressure. So a properly inflated tire at 70 degrees equates to an improperly inflated tire at 20 degrees. Underinflated tires cause hydroplaning, improper and accelerated tire wear, and increased fuel consumption.

In a 2009 Modern Tire Dealer article, titled From air to nitrogen, author Bob Ulrich noted, “Nitrogen inflation is a relatively new service for the tire industry.  However, it is rapidly moving from trend to commonplace.”  Modern Tire Dealer quantified exactly how commonplace with its 2008 Nitrogen Inflation Service Survey.  Among the results: “nearly 33% of the tire dealers responding said they offer nitrogen service, up from 21% in 2007.  Another 10.1% said that although they do not offer it, they plan to add it in the future…”

For most motorists, there is a small price tag attached to this ever-more-commonplace method of tire inflation.  “Of the tire dealers who charge to inflate tires with nitrogen, 80% charge at least $5 a tire, while 20% ask anywhere from $1 to $4 per tire.”

Another Modern Tire Dealer article, The benefits of nitrogen inflation, examined the advantages of nitrogen for tires.  The article affirmed the notion that “tires hold their psi longer with nitrogen than air” and noted, “The use of 99.9% nitrogen increased average tire life by 25%.”  Basically, maintaining inflation levels also “leads to less rolling resistance, which leads to greater fuel economy and extends tire life.”  The article also contained a caveat: “The use of nitrogen is not a replacement for regularly checking tire pressure, and all nitrogen suppliers readily admit that.”

Seven Reasons for Nitrogen Tire Inflation Services appeared in the March 2, 2009, online edition of Auto Dealer Monthly.  Citing the advantages of “improved tire performance, decreased gas consumption, and increased tire life,” the article noted, “Nitrogen tire inflation has been used with great success in Europe, Asia, and South America for nearly a decade.”  Studies of the trucking industry are cited as providing “much of the earliest proof supporting nitrogen inflation.”  Auto Dealer Monthly offered the following summary:

Tires inflated with nitrogen maintain pressure on the average four times longer than compressed air.  Nitrogen does not cause rubber to oxidize. When rubber oxides due to the corrosive power of oxygen, tires lose elasticity and cannot support the weight of the car, or handle the forces it was created to endure. Therefore, filling the tire with nitrogen was found to increase the longevity, as well, as the integrity of the inner tire.

As a pioneer in the retail tire industry, Dunn Tire has offered nitrogen inflation as part of the “Out-The-Door” package sine 2004. Including free nitrogen fill ups and top offs.

As always, we’d love to hear your comments or experiences with nitrogen inflation.