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Better gas mileage in minutes

Posted: Wednesday, April 21st 2010

Better gas mileageLooking for better gas mileage?  Using the proper tire pressure is critical to getting the best gas mileage and extended life out of your tires.  Each vehicle has a specified tire pressure which will provide you the most efficient fuel consumption and overall performance.  Best of all – it’s printed right on the inside door of your automobile.  Those are the manufacturer suggested settings that you should follow when adjusting the air pressure in your tires.

Determining the optimum PSI (pounds per square inch) is essential to the life of your tires.  On newer vehicles, the recommended pressure is typically included on a sticker inside the driver’s door. Additionally, this information is included in the owner’s manual.  Most passenger cars will recommend 32 to 35 psi in the tires when they’re cold. Its good practice to check your tire pressure early in the morning or after it has been parked for a few hours.  The reason is that as you drive your vehicle, the friction from the road generates heat which increases the tire pressure.

Please note, the number which is printed on the tire itself is the maximum pressure which that tire can hold.  It does not indicate the targeted pressure for your vehicle.  Over-inflating your tires can create unsafe driving conditions and poor vehicle performance.  Under-inflated tires can dramatically shorten the life of tires while also creating unsafe driving conditions.  In either case, not having your tires set at their targeted pressure could result in undesirable outcomes.

A few minutes to check your tire pressure, at least once a month, can save you a lot of aggravation and money.  You’ll see the savings in the form of better gas mileage, extended tire life, and overall better car performance.