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A second life for tires

Posted: Wednesday, July 14th 2010

It’s estimated that in the United States alone, some 300 million tires will be discarded this year.  That’s approximately one tire per person.  That’s a lot of rubber material to deal with. Fortunately, when your tires are no longer usable for your car, they can be recycled and used for other purposes.  One very popular and growing usage is known as tire mulch or rubber mulch and it is becoming more and more common on playgrounds, in gardens, and elsewhere throughout the US.

Rubber mulch at the White HouseHow does it happen?
Specialty companies, such as Modern Corporation, provide tire pickup services.  Using rugged machines, whole tires are first shredded into strips.  These strips are then placed into grinding machines which use rotors to remove the steel fibers and any debris from the tires while further refining them.  Many processors also use powerful magnets to remove fine metal from the rubber.  After the steel has been removed, the rubber is transferred into granulators.  The rubber can then be milled into various size granules that are useful in a number of industries.

Child’s play
In a growing number of playgrounds, the surface is made from your recycled tires.  The surface can be made up of bits of shredded tires or it can be a smooth surface manufactured from the shredded tires.  In addition to softer landings, the recycled tires provide a surface that is springy; many children enjoy walking and running on it because they like how it feels under their feet.  Many adults appreciate it because, unlike wood chips, it will not get infested by bugs.  It is softer than other playground surfaces, but it can also look far nicer.  When tires are recycled as playground-surfacing material, colors can enter the picture.  The result can be a customized look; for example, if a playground uses two main colors, the surface material can feature the requested color.

Tire mulch colorsA beautiful addition to your garden
Whether you love to garden or hire a landscaper to care for your lawn and garden, you want it to look its best.  Weeds are not welcome but they are also difficult to control.  Tires can be recycled for this purpose, as well.  Tire mulch or rubber mulch is becoming very popular for garden use.  Tire mulch provides a unique layer of protection for your plants; it offers weed control while still allowing water to reach the plants.  It is not prone to insect infestation, like some other types of ground cover can be.  Finally, it can bring color to your garden in a whole new way.  If you are looking to complement your exterior décor with a particular color, such as brick red, rubber mulch may be the product for you.

Cost effective option
Some types of ground cover are prone to blowing away when it is windy, while others begin to look sparse or worn after a year or so.  Tire mulch has the kind of staying power you are looking for; this is an added bonus in terms of cost because it means you will not have to add a new layer every year as you might need to with some other ground cover options.  Furthermore, many rubber mulches come with a lifetime guarantee – so you can rest assured that you are making a practical investment.

The Tire Pros at Dunn Tire are proud to participate in a program to recycle all old tires.  For more information about our recycling policy, please feel free to contact us… we’d be happy to hear from you.